OSI Days is the crossroads of all things open source, bringing together 3000+ of the best, brightest, and most interesting people to explore what's new, and to champion the cause of open principles and open source adoption
Official Website : http://osidays.com/
Registrations : http://osidays.com/register-now
Speakers : http://osidays.com/speaker
Sessions : http://osidays.com/session
- Meet the experts of PHP, Open Source Databases, Apache, Python, Perl, Ruby on Rails
- See the best of breed technologies of Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Parallelism for Open Source World
- Meet decision makers, CXO level Open Source champions, students and Government Official
- Use open source to target Android, iPhone and other mobile platforms
- Learn Open Source Business Models, Legal Issues and marketing strategies
- Participate in FOSS India Awards, 2010.
At OSI Days you can choose to attend from multiple tracks around open source technologies and platforms, attend best of breed tutorials/ workshops, network with who is who of open source world and a chance to see a great city Chennai and India! The proposed tracks of event are:
- Mobile(App Development, Game Development, Android, iPhone, Symbian & Others)
- IT Managers / Business(Legal, Community Management, Best Practices, Marketing Strategies, Open Web / Standardization, & Business Models)
- Cloud Computing(Tools and Platforms, Cloudnomics, Cloud for Dummies & Others)
- Government(Applications, eGovernance, Case Study, & Legal)
- Hardware(Infrastructure Management, Security, Semi Embedded Devices, Parallelization, Grid, Multi Core, Multi Threading, Virtualization & Others)
- PHP(PHP 5 & 6, PHP Security, Frameworks, Architecture / QA, & Best Practices)
- Ruby on Rails(Drupal:Best Practices, Module Development, Theme Development, Scaling/ Management/ Performance & Others)
- Databases(MySQL, NoSQL, CouchDB, PostgreSQL, Ingres, SQLite & Others)
- Developer / Tools & Techniques
OSI Days is organized by the 'Forum for Open Source Initiative in India' (FOSII)', in association with LINUX For You magazine, and powered by the EFY Group of publications.