As an engineer, if you want to outwit someone who is asking you whether you can or can’t build a thing, just say, “Given enough time, I can build anything”.
They’ll believe you’re avoiding the question, and they’ll think you’re arrogant !!!But sure, you need to take the time to explain your thinking to thisperson. You need to walk them through your development process. It’s an opportunity to educate and not come off...
Given enough time, an engineer can build anything. I’m optimistic.
Like any profession, Technology is full of different personalities, but it finally want the optimists. It is not the mere yes-folks, but for those folks who,say “**** it, we’re going to figure it out”.
This base optimism can be hidden in all types of personalities, but it shows up when there is an impossible situation and creates the impossible.Look at how technology people are changing pace when we are facing the worst ever economic crisis in the world !!!
I have in my career seen some Insane optimists. These are people who:
- Work hard
- Over-commit and still deliver
- Rampantly go out of their way to help each other
- Have a track record of stunning success
So, I remain optimistic which is my new-year resolution for 2009.
Where I sit, with the cranky engineers —the insane optimists — I hope we all share this optimism because, given enough time, we can build anything.
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